
Welcome on Respore platform

This platform was created for Respore 2018 Calls for proposals for Small, Medium and Large Equipment.

To submit a proposal, you will need to connect with Sciences Conf ids.


Eligible projects are carried out between team members of Respore and the project leader must be identified as a member of the network.

Small, medium and large equipment is eligible as it is not "routine" equipment and meets the criteria of the call for proposals.


Respore is centered around three thematic axes, corresponding to current scientific, technological and societal challenges:

Puce bleue Renewable energies.

Puce bleue Environmental sciences and security.

Puce bleue To the service of health, wellbeing, biotechnology and the industry.

To these axes, are added two transverse axes:

Puce bleue Real time and multi-technique characterization.

Puce bleue Towards modeling at all scales

 Proposals funded by Respore have to fit within one of these axes.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are the following:

Puce bleue Scientific and technical quality of the project;

Puce bleue Innovative aspect of the project;

Puce bleue Quality of the cofinancing plan and quality of the environment of the project;

Puce bleue Federative and structuring effect for the network;

Puce bleue Accessibility for Respore members.


15 June 2018: Deadline for intention letters.

15 July 2018 at 24:00: Deadline for proposal submission.

September 2018: Audition of the preselected project leaders.

End of September 2018: Publication of the results.


Projects must be written exclusively in English.

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